Walter Cronkite

  • 网络沃尔特·克朗凯特;沃尔特克朗凯特;克朗凯
Walter CronkiteWalter Cronkite
  1. Ehrlich used it for one of his most recent projects , Arizona State University ^ Walter Cronkite School of Journalism .


  2. Former television reporter Walter Cronkite reads the part of inventor and independence activist Benjamin Franklin .


  3. This is your Walter Cronkite moon ring .


  4. America 's most trusted man in news and former host of CBS Evening News Walter Cronkite dies at92 .


  5. All was tranquillity and repose . Suddenly into the picture staggered Walter Cronkite .


  6. Anchors like Howard K. Smith and Walter Cronkite had occasionally offered commentaries on the news , " but that was very civil , " Mr. Neville said .


  7. When I got home , I found my mother in front of the television set watching Walter Cronkite . Cronkite announced that President Kennedy had died at 1 P.M. Central Standard Time .


  8. A27-year veteran with CBS , Herford worked as a vice president of CBS News and a producer for the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite , 60 Minutes and other programs .


  9. Even as the stature of the nightly newscast faded in the face of real-time digital news , Williams was one of the most trusted names in America and commanded the respect accorded predecessors like Walter Cronkite , Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings .
